Jun Mano

Production Manager

Shows worked on

Jun Mano has worked with...

Setsuko Arakawa

Worked with on The Floating World

Mikiko Goto

Worked with on The Floating World

Kanako Hashimoto

Worked with on The Floating World

Ryusuke Hyakuno

Worked with on The Floating World

Kunihiko Ichiki

Worked with on The Floating World

Yumiko Ito

Worked with on The Floating World

Akihito Kumagai

Worked with on The Floating World

Akio Miyabe

Worked with on The Floating World

Norihiko Morishita

Worked with on The Floating World

Katsumi Muramatsu

Worked with on The Floating World

Tadao Nakane

Worked with on The Floating World

Isao Natsuyagi

Worked with on The Floating World

John Romeril

John Romeril

Worked with on The Floating World

Shigeo Saito

Worked with on The Floating World

Makoto Sato

Worked with on The Floating World

Keiji Sawada

Worked with on The Floating World

Kousuke Sugimoto

Worked with on The Floating World

Junichi Umeda

Worked with on The Floating World


Worked with on The Floating World

Magosoburo Yuki

Worked with on The Floating World

Isshi Yuki

Worked with on The Floating World

Chie Yuki

Worked with on The Floating World