The Flat: A Temporary Thing

From the programme for "The Flat: A Temporary Thing".

The Flat: A Temporary Thing

05 December 1981 – 20 December 1981 Playbox Theatre

Playbox Theatre Company, St Martins Youth Arts Centre,

Theatre - Spoken Word Youth Theatre

Playwright Andrew Macpherson described his play as "an attempt to express the relationships of six young men, their attitudes and the small world they inhabit. Their actions are an ongoing affair of dependence on Ted, who has legal control of The Flat. Ted begins to question this dependence on the first half of the play, then resolves to do something about it. He tries to reject The Flat as his world".


Jennie Tate

Jennie Tate


Andrew MacPherson


Shaun Gurton

Shaun Gurton

Production Manager

David Murray

Lighting Designer

Anne Stewart

Stage Manager